Sunday, March 31, 2013

Audrey's Birthday Party

It is amazing how my little girl is already 6.  It seems like yesterday that I was holding her in my arms praying that God will give me wisdom and strength to teach her to be the best she can be.  She is doing more than I could have ever imaged.  I love her kind and gentle heart.  I love how determined she is when she has a goal.  I love how intentional she is with her actions as well as her words, oh and hugs and kisses.  I love how she thinks I am cool...I know this one will change but right now I have never felt so cool!  I love how she watches my every move and then tries to imitate it.  She is sweet, amazing Audrey and she is 6.  Wow...I am crying right now just thinking of how much I love her!  Sooo...let me share with you her sweet birthday celebrations!  Yes, that is right Celebrations!
I was foolish to think that she could do a quick birthday celebration with her girlfriends and then we will have a family get together later and have her favorites for dinner.  Well, that whirlwind of a day was A LOT and will not be doing that again!  But I did get a lot of pictures and wanted to share with you.
First up...Chelsea's Tea Room.  It is a cute little tea room and boutique in Arlington.  The girls LOVED it and it was so fun to see the girls getting dressed up, then tea and treats, then runway walk and dance to finally opening presents!  It was really cute and fun!
Audrey had a smile on her face the whole time she was at Chelsea's Tea Room. 

Here the girls are learning some basic princess moves...the blow kiss!  
Like girls do not already know this one!  

All the princess friends!

Isn't this so cute?  The princess carriage where Audrey opened presents from her friends!

LOTS of GIGGLING!  This is a side effect of giggle tea!  

Lauren doing such a great job pouring her giggle tea carefully.

Too Cute.  


This cake was so good!  I had no idea it would be such a pretty and tasty cake would come as part of the package!  Hooray!

She is so beautiful.

Lauren, Audrey and Samantha!  It was such a great party and Lauren is now asking if she can have a party at Chelsea's Tea Room.  Oh boy!  

So, now we are back at home and we are having family and a few friends...that we consider to be family over for dinner and to say Happy Birthday Audrey.  Of course, keeping with the Tea Party theme, we made the dinner party more of a Mad Hatter Party.  Of course, Audrey, Lauren, my Mama (Neva) and I worked for several hours making hats for all of our guests.  Audrey really wanted to do a craft for the party and I have to admit...I did too.  I wish I would have gotten a picture of all of the different hats we made but this Mama was worn out!  So, I only have a few shots that I loved!
Audrey showing off her favorite hat she made!

My Mama, wearing her favorite hat.  I love her so much...

This cake was so pretty and colorful.  I personally think the cake at Chelsea's was better but Kris would disagree.  All the same, there was LOADS of cake!

I love this shot of Kris helping Audrey to blow out the candles...

Lauren makes everyone make this face...pure joy! look good in that hat, look real good!

I love them...

Friday, March 22, 2013

Shoe tying club

Yes, that is right!  I have not posted in so long you may ask yourself...what?  That is what you want to start out this long draught of no family updates with?  And the answer is yes!  There is so much to catch up on I thought I would start with today and move back.  So, Audrey was so very proud to be in the Shoe Tying Club and I have to admit that hard work and determination pays off!  She has been practicing tying shoes all last night and early this morning so she would not miss out!  I am so thankful for her Audrey's hard work and determination!

Notice the Easter color nail polish!  I love Audrey's sense of style!

As you can see, she still does not like to look at the camera! day she will get it!

I love my girls!
So, I have made a commitment to Kris and it is on my calendar to update at least weekly.  There are loads of news and pictures to upload.  I am getting there...I am getting there!

Have an amazing day and I hope you are apart of the Shoe Tying Club as well!