Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Toys

On Monday we met up with a wonderful friend and her family for dinner.  She was so gracious to give us a box of toys that the girls have not stopped carrying around with them.  Audrey keeps telling me all about her new toys and showing me how to play with them.  It really is just too cute.  I am sure if Lauren could talk she would be doing the same thing.  From a photographer's perspective, I do not want to show a bunch of pictures of toys like it is an inventory of items but to highlight them by telling a story in a picture.  This increases the level of difficulty especially when I am dealing with Audrey that does NOT want her picture taken and Lauren who is constantly on the move.  So, below is the best I can do for today...
  Audrey drumming on her Lady Bug. 
Check out those Catch Lights!  Thank you Lauren for looking up at Mama.
Also, Audrey has a cold and keeps trying to get up to play and then wears out quickly and then she is back on the couch to recover for a bit.  I thought I would try the same idea of trying to get a picture that told a story instead a picture of her laying on the couch feeling awful.  This is a picture of her cuddled up to her favorite blanket that her Grandma Bonnie made for her when she was a tiny baby.  
Poor Audrey...