Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mama Day Love

I know there are so many more crafty people out there.  I feel like I feel short on the whole crafty Mama role.  But, I will say that I can duplicate/copy somebody's craft idea all day long.  I do not know if that makes me a bad person or not but it definitely makes it easier to get a project going.  Well, I have loads of Mom/Grandma cards to do this time of year and I love Hallmark cards.  They are great, but I love the look and feel of hand made cards.  So, I invited my two great friends over with their kiddos to have a Mama Day Card making extravaganza.  I bought a bunch of stickers...well because kiddos love stickers.  This combined with construction paper, beautiful day, and kiddos loving on their loved ones all comes together as Mama Day Love!
The boy table.  Phoenix and Sam comparing notes on how they are going to do their Mother's Day Cards.  They did such a great job.  

Sam telling me that he loves his Mimi.  Just so you know that I printed each of the kiddos pictures to put on the back of their cards that they will give/send out to their Grandmas.  

Paige telling me about her love for her Grandmas.

Audrey as she is making her Grandma Bonnie's card.

Lauren saying Cheeeeeese.  She is so cooperative when the camera is out.

Phoenix making his special card full of stickers.  It was beautiful.

Here each of the kiddos had to tell me about each of the cards and tell me why they love whom ever they made a card for.  Let me tell you...kiddos remember toys!  They love the toys and good dinners!  

This was a great project to hear what the kiddos love and how they are always so willing to love on family.  Their love is quiet magical!  Thanks kiddos for a great play date!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Jessica for putting this whole thing together. I'm so glad you ARE crafty because I usually just get overwhelmed and don't even try to do crafty stuff.
