OK...so I know it has been a long time since I posted anything but in my defense we did put our house on the market and sold it. Praise the LORD! Several months later and we are all moved in and now I am ready to get back into the swing of things. But before I move to daily stuff I must post some pictures of the girl's recital. Let me just say, I am not a big fan of dance mostly because I do not have much rhythm. But to see my girls all dressed up and on stage was just too cute for words. Now as a photographer, it was my first time to take pictures while they were on stage and lets just say...I did my best and wish I would have been better pictures. But...they are my girls so it does make the pictures a bit better in my proud mama opinion! So, enjoy!
Personally I love this shot! This to me shows the love of Lauren for her big sister and BEST Friend, Audrey! I love how they love each other!
Now it is Audrey's turn for some good lovin'! I have to admit she does give some good lovin'!
This is where Audrey stole the show in my opinion...mostly because she is waving to me and blowing me kisses! Seriously, this was worth the couple of months going to dance class.
Everyone was so impressed with Lauren because she did so good for her age. According to her teacher she listens very well and it able to focus. I believe this picture really highlights that considering all of the other shots are of her trying to find her spot and staying there. So funny...I guess that was what they talked about over and over back stage!
I love this shot! Kris and I were so proud!
Kris was so sweet to let me get a shot with the girls. They were so good!
I have one beautiful family!
Aunt Kathie had to get in the shot because she has become such a sweet treasure to our family! I am so glad she has moved here.
Here is a shot of my mama, Bonnie, Kathie with Lauren and Audrey. So lovely!
Well, I am hoping that I will be able to get my camera and get out there and get pictures of our daily adventures. Of course, I say that and the girls and I went today to Ripley's Believe it or Not and I forgot my camera! Oh...to get back into the habit of taking pictures daily! Wish me luck!
I really enjoyed seeing the girls in their dance clothes. I hope to see the next one in person