Thursday, February 24, 2011 is hard to master!

Hello.  So, I know I have posted these last few days and it is because my dear Lauren has been sick with a stomach bug.  When she is sick, she wants or needs me holding her pretty much the whole time.  Today was the first day that she seems back to her old self...Thank you God!  But now, Audrey is not feeling well.  Ugh!  But at least with Audrey, she usually bounces back from a cold much faster than Lauren and at least Audrey can tell me what is going on with her.  So, today I wanted to work on exposure and I feel like I am getting a bit better but man do I have so much further to go.  After playing with my lighting adjustments.  I can see why Karen Russell says that it is better to be bit over exposed rather than under.  Well, at least I got a little time in today to practice and play...
We had did these sun catcher flowers as a project and I really wanted to get them plus Audrey in the shot.  As you can see, Audrey is underexposed while the flowers are blown out.  Really need to work on positioning myself better.
Thank goodness it was a cloudy day this morning but it still looks so dreary through the flowers.  Still not the effect I was going for!
Lauren watching PBS.  I love PBS...
Correct exposure!  Yes, I had adjusted my exposure compensation and it was over exposed when I loaded it to the computer but a few quick adjustments and perfection!  Yes, she is in the fetal position because her belly does not feel well....poor baby!

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