Oh man...seriously...I feel like the luckies girl in the world. My neighbor, who is the sweetest person you will ever meet. She just had a beautiful baby girl and let me do a practice photo shoot with her new baby girl. It was so awesome! The only problem was me...I ran out of ideas and we stopped early. I should have kept going because there was WAY more shoots that were not good than those that were good but, that is how I learn. I just have to keep practicing! So, below are my favorites.
I love how the blue walls bring out the blue in Meridith's eyes.
I love how this new Mama is smiling at her beautiful little girl.
This shot is great because I was able to capture some colors from outside of the window. But the mergers to her head is not good.
I know this may not have been a great shot but I was trying out some different shots.
I just love the comparison of size of Meridith's ring to her little one's big toe. Too cute!
I love all of the color in this shot.
Can you tell she was getting hungry?
So cute and so centered.
I call this one...a Mama's touch.
Sleeping Beauty!
Audrey keeps saying she does not like this one because of the belly button.
So sweet.
I hope you all have a great day!
I can't believe how fast time has flown by the past 4 months since I had her. Thank you so much for offering to take these pictures even if I was just beginning to get sick that day. I'm so glad I made it through those difficult 2 weeks. Love you Jessica!