Monday, January 23, 2012

My little models

So, I am taking another photography class and I am late getting my pictures in.  I know, you would think I have loads of time to go out and get my assignments done, but it did not happened.  So, needing to get my assignments done quickly I decided to use Barbie as my model.  For obvious reasons...she looks good, always available, does NOT complain, and yes, always looking at the camera.  So, I pulled out my camera and started going through my assignment and Audrey found me.  Yes, she has been working so hard at looking at the camera that she was a bit offended that I would seek out another model than her.  So, she pushed Barbie to the side and I was able to capture this wonderful shot of her and Lauren.  I just love my girls.  They drive me crazy when I am trying to get a good picture of them but they are so much more fun to photograph than Barbie!
I converted it to B&W because it seems to have a more impromptu feeling to it.  
I hope you are all having a great day and for those procrastinators out there...Stop only brings on stress!

Monday, January 16, 2012

No pictures

I feel like that John Mayer song 3 x 5.  "I didn't have a camera by my side this time.  I wanted to see the world with both my eyes."  Yes, that is what I have been doing this last week.  I am happy to report that there are loads of beautiful images and memories that occurred this week.  I personally love the image of Audrey running to give Lauren a hug to console her when she is crying.  I love the sweet admiration that Lauren has for her big sister.  I love when I see them playing Pokemon together.  Pokemon has been the latest craze for them two.  The amount of lov'in that happens between the two of them is so frequent that I wonder what I did to deserve it but I do pray that they will always have that special bond.  I love my girls and I am loving being home with them.  Thank you Lord for giving me this awesome opportunity to be with my girls.

Have an amazing evening. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Beautiful January Day

So, I am really wanting to post more often mostly because my family really miss all of my post. Kris and I are working on nightly focused computer time.  We will see how long that will last but in the mean time...I wanted to share what the girls and I did today.  Well first let me just PRIASE GOD that is was 70 degrees in January today!  That is something to be celebrated and we did by going to the zoo.  Then to make it even better we got to go with the best neighbor ever...Meridith and her family!  How cool is that?  So, we have lunches...check!  We have a stroller...check!  We have phone and money...check!  So, we get to the zoo and get our memberships updated and then it dawns on me...I forgot my camera! am I going to keep up with the photo mama in me if I do not have a camera!  UGH!!!!  So, my sweet Audrey tells me..."Mom you can use the camera in your brain."  Then she shows me where hers in located and how she takes pictures and then how she takes pictures of herself.  This girl is so darn cute!  I love her to pieces!  So, I unfortunately cannot upload all of the images in my brain to this blog nor the video of Lauren talking to the baby turtles or Audrey asking if she could touch the tarantula to everyone's surprise.  Nope...but I did at least got one somewhat of a good shot of the kiddos with my iPhone.
I just want you to know that Audrey suggested I get out my phone and take this picture. She is just so smart!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year has been a while but life has been busy and full of excitement.  I am very excited about the new year and what it will hold.  So, let me start with an update.  Lauren is growing so much in the last month.  She is now potty trained, stopped napping and has quit using her paci.  Yes, she is officially a big girl.  Of course, she is still my Drama Mama but we are working through the temper tantrums one tantrum at a time.  It is encouraging when I see Audrey and see how much she has grown and then I realize that the tantrums will eventually stop...God Willing!  Lauren has also started gymnastics.  You should have seen her eyes when I said that she will be doing gymnastics.  She was so very happy to be out there like her big sister that she has been watching for so long.  Now for Audrey, who is so kind and giving to her little sister.  She can diffuse Lauren like no one else in the family.  She is amazing!  She is learning how to communicate better and it is a hoot!  I just love that she is trying to tell jokes.  I must admit they are not funny and often I am lost at what exactly is the punch line but I love and admire that she keeps trying.  Kris is doing great.  He loves what he does and it shows.  I cannot be more proud of him.  He got recognized as one of the top 500 Financial Managers in the Texas Monthly again for 2011.  I am still amazed that he picked me to be his wife.  As far as an update for me, well I have started interning with Barbara Berry, a photographer from Legacy Studios on Saturdays.  It has been such a joy for me.  I am learning so much that it is often difficult for me to put into practice all that she has taught me. I am so grateful that she is so patient with me and that she sees potential in my work as a photographer.  I do plan on launching my own photography business sometime this year.  I may postpone until Audrey starts kindergarten but we will see.  So now you are all caught up. I do appreciate that there are those who are interested in what is going on with me and my family.  I am hoping that I will be able to post more but it is a challenge since the girls have me running to keep up with them.  So...below are some pics from the past couple of months.

The best shot from Kris's Surprise Bday Party and as you can see from the smile on his face...He was very happy.  I love it when I can make him smile!

Audrey hanging ornaments as we are getting ready for Christmas.

Lauren hanging ornaments for Christmas.

Lauren looking so grown up!

Christmas cookie time.  My sister made the BEST Christmas cookies this year.  She had given us the dough and they were AMAZING!  Oh...I love this shot because of Audrey's face in the background.  She just loves her little sis...

And of course...Lauren loves cookies!  Oh yes, I did make that apron.  Thanks to Bonnie!

I hosted a neighborhood Christmas Party for the kiddos on our street and here are the girls showing off all that they received from each other.

Here are the boys showing off their gifts they received.

I had braided Audrey's hair the night before and she loved the waviness to it and asked me to take her picture.  She is so lovely.

Christmas pictures...

Love this shot!

This one...oh it takes the cake! 

This is from our Happy Birthday Jesus Party, which is on Christmas Eve.  She received a dollar from Grandma Bonnie and was showing it off.

Lauren got a new dress and as you can see from the pretty pose face...she was so very happy about her gift.

This shot cracks me up because it is an example of the playful nature Audrey is developing.  She makes me laugh daily! 

Christmas morning...

I love how Audrey goes for the envelope first.  She received a letter from Mrs Claus and you can tell she was really hoping this was a letter from the big man himself. was really a gift for Mama.  

LOVE the excitement on Lauren's face.  This is Christmas magic!

So cute...

Merry Christmas everyone and I hope and pray that the new year will be a year full of joy!