Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Has this started already?

So over the weekend, Kris and I went mattress shopping and we took the girls with us.  First of all I just want to say that those remote control beds are awesome at entertaining small children while mattress shopping.  Anyway, Kris and I were going from one mattress to another trying them out while the girls played in the store.  No screaming or crying so we are feeling pretty good about this decision to take the girls.  Then Lauren runs up to Kris and he starts to tickle her for being so darn cute.  Then she bends over to pick up something and Kris notices that under her cute dress...no diaper!  He then asks me...Did you take off her diaper?  As if that is what mom's do while out shopping.  I, of course, begin freaking out because I knew she had a dirty diaper that I was waiting to change her when we were ready to go.  So Kris and I begin covertly going through the store to see if we can find the dirty diaper.  THANKFULLY we found it under a bed and we quickly put a clean one on her which she replied repeatedly...NO NO NO!  So, is it time for potty training?
From the smile on her face each time I put her on the potty and the successful peepee in the potty several times already...maybe so!  When did this girl get so big?

1 comment:

  1. oh, wow! I am laughing so hard right now!! Glad it workded out. Good luck potty training. Two out of diapers, Yeah!
