Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter Review

Easter review...wait...wasn't that over a week ago?  Yes, it was and yes I am just now have some time to post some pics.  It has been quiet hectic around the household.  I do not know why because there is nothing to report.  For some reason computer time has been an elusive luxury!  So, below are loads of pictures from that weekend.  I hope you all enjoy!
My cool friend Edith had a HUGE Easter Egg hunt that we were invited to and it was so much fun.  Here you can see Audrey and her friend are waiting at the gate for the egg hunt to begin.  You can feel the anticipation in the air!

I love this shot!  I did do a heavy vignette on the shot to highlight Audrey reaching down for an egg as the races began in the egg hunt.  

Another shot of the egg hunt.  Do you see all of the eggs on the ground?  It was so beautiful!

This is Lauren looking for her Mama.  She really did not get into the Easter Egg Hunt business.

Here is the best shot I could get of Audrey and all of her finds.  Needless to say, we were having one of those days with PhotoMama!  

I love this shot.  Lauren finding candy inside the egg.  It is the simple things in life that makes this life so sweet!

Here Lauren had just ate a whole donut hole and does she look like she is satisfied?  This girl loves donut holes. 

Audrey as she is coloring eggs at our friend Ashley's house.  She looks so grown up here!  

This shot is too precious.  I am so thankful that our girls work and play so well together.

Here is a group shot of our friend Ashley and her little baby that Audrey is holding, then myself, Lauren, Kara and her handsome son, Jax. here is another Easter Egg Hunt at Auntie Kara's house.  I love how the kiddos are scoping out there approach to get the most eggs possible.  

And they are off...notice in the background how Lauren is not interested.  She doesn't even want her easter basket.

I love this picture of Jax.  He wanted to show his Mom and Dad each egg he found regardless of the egg that is front of him.  Needless to say, Audrey found most of the eggs.  

This shot is awesome!  I love how Jax makes egg hunting look like so much fun!

This action shot cracks me up.  This is how the egg hunt went down.  Jax is carefully finding eggs while Audrey is using her speed to get as many eggs as possible.  I guess that Easter Egg hunt from the day before gave her too much experience...hehehe

This is a great shot of Jax as well.  He did so good and he is so handsome!

Here is what Lauren was doing while the kiddos searched for eggs.  I think she was really enjoying herself.  I think Kris was enjoying hanging out with her as well.

Who would not be jealous of this backyard?  

Audrey just smashed a confetti egg on Kris's head.  I am really looking forward to the girls being older and everyone getting in on the fun!  I love confetti egg fights!

OK Now, we are at my God-Parents house and yes, we are decorating Easter Eggs again.  Look we have a lot of friends and family and wanted to share the events with everyone!

I LOVE this shot!  Steve is such a wonderful Pappa-O.  The girls love him so and so do I.

GrandDawn is spectacular as well.  She is the most loving and patient woman I know.

Here are the eggs that the girls, GrandDawn and Pappa-O colored.  Aren't they so beautiful?

Here Audrey is telling me which one is her favorite.  

So, here is the beautiful family shot...minus this Mama.  Well, someone has to take the pictures!  

I love this shot!  Look at Audrey's tongue.  I swear that girl makes it so hard on this Mama. 

This shot is so sweet.  Lauren really wanted to give her Pappa-O a kiss and everyone turns to see.  I LOVE the love in this shot!

Well, I know it is a lot of pictures but it was a great weekend.  I love my family and friends and so very thankful for all of the time we got to spend with everyone.  I am already looking forward to seeing you again real soon!

Everyone else....have a great day!

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