Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rivera Maya, Mexico

 It has been a wonderful week.  Kris and I went to Rivera Maya, Mexico for a 4 night get away and it was fantastic!  The weather was disappointing but, overall it was great to spend so much time alone with my Babe.  I took loads of pictures, but it rained everyday so there are not as many as I would have hoped.  So, below are some of my favorites and I hope you enjoy them as well.
This is part of the view when looking down from the main lobby.  This place is very grand in its height of their structures as well as the repeating of patterns.  It was really fun to play with the different angles.  But really, I need a wide angle lens to capture its size.
This is the beach area.  This resort was really more located further inland, which made it more like it was located in the rainforest.  I know it was not a rainforest but with so much had to wonder!  Yes, check out the rain clouds there.  What cracks me up is the guy swimming looks man!  It is about to rain, again!
And rain it did.  As Kris and I sat under these huts, that were all over the resort, I really tried to capture rain and I think this was the best one of all.  By the way, this was an all inclusive resort so, Kris and I sat under this hut and each had a mudslide...just so you know, we did have a good time in the rain! is Kris under the hut, smiling while it is pouring down!
The resort made a path through the forest area that connected the resort to the beach area.
These looked so cool in the sun light.  We dont see these plants back in Texas.
This was a great picture that my babe took of me while we were having breakfast.  He does such a great job behind the camera. 
This is a picture of what we did a lot of...reading by the pool.  If you are wondering why it is so camera would fog up each time we left our room because the humidity is so high. 
This is some of the buildings that were located on the resort.  I just love all of the color.  I do not typically take pictures of architecture, but it was fun to try some new shots.
Again, this is not a typical shot for me but I love the repeating designs that were all over the resort.
Last day...we are excited to get home and see our beautiful girls.

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